Too Busy to Work with a Coach?

I'm super passionate about helping high achievers become the 1% that realize their full potential and maximize their impact.

We aren't meant to do it alone!

Hi, I'm Angie

“You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.”

I can’t tell you how many of my clients initially objected to working with me because they were just too busy to add another thing to their plate.

My answer is always the same: the fact that you feel too busy means that you should start TODAY!

Here are Four Reasons Why:

Being too busy means you’re probably making poor decisions

You’re probably experiencing exhaustion, fatigue and burnout.  I’ll teach you evidence-based methods to build resilience and strengthen your inner battery so you’ll experience more energy, motivation, productivity and performance.

Being too busy means you’re probably burnt out

Without the proper training, highly busy people spend most of their day in fight or flight mode vs flow state.  This means you’re making decisions from the survival centers of your brain rather than accessing the higher centers of your brain for enhanced cognition, creativity and analytical ability which is needed to make complex decisions.

Being too busy means that you are a Helpless Actor, rather than a Grand Director

By saying you are too busy to invest in yourself, you are saying that you are a Helpless Actor…but the 1% that achieve greatness have shifted from Helpless Actor to the Grand Director of their own lives.

A Helpless Actor spends most of the day ‘reacting’ to the events of the day.  Like a ping pong ball getting bounced around without any real command of oneself.  Helpless Actors often become addicted to the adrenaline of operating in overdrive and so they will find ways to perpetually be ‘too busy’ and this keeps them from ever truly achieving greatness.

A Grand Director is like a lion sitting at the top of the mountain looking down over his kingdom.  Because he has command of himself and knows his own power, he is able to sit back and observe the business of the day without being drawn in or overwhelmed by it.  He doesn’t react to problems with angst, no matter how hectic the day gets the Grand Director has trained himself to be the heart-centered observer, to remain in the flow state so that he can respond to the needs of the day with wisdom and discernment. 

Being too busy means you’re probably doing a lot of things that you are not meant to be doing

If you’re too busy, it’s because you’re not existing in your Zone of Genius AND you’re not acting in accordance with your unique Human Design. 

Truly powerful leaders have mastered this concept. They know precisely where their Zone of Genius is and they design their lives with the support they need to exist there as much as possible.  A truly powerful leader actively manages their energy drainers and has built in renewal practices so they can lead with the heart of a lion.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

If you’re interested in learning how this can work for you, book a Clarity Call which will help you see where our work together might begin. 

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